Our History

Founded in 2009 by Ms. Shi Ru Xin, we now have a team of experienced professionals from various key accounting, managerial and operational roles who are ready to impart their knowledge and experience to our SME clients as well as a growing pool of individuals who through mentoring and guidance can fulfil their potential and contribute positively to our clients, their families and our ever-changing society’s needs.

This recent interview by Trehaus, on 1st July 2017, aptly explains her thoughts ….

More than a decade long, and loving it: Shi Ru Xin

She started out more than a decade ago. When all her peers were headed for stable jobs and the cut-throat corporate world, she decided she would strike out on her own and start a business consultancy that tailors outsourced back-end solutions for small and medium businesses. Together with her husband, Shi Ru Xin started Nu Perspectives Pte Ltd to do just that, and later on developed a service-focused software, Xintesys, to help clients implement a practical yet customised workflow to drive their businesses.

She’s never looked back with any regret taking this path of striking it out on her own and being her own boss. Though the path of entrepreneurship was not a walk in the park, it’s something that Ru Xin is proud of today. We caught up with Ru Xin to find some inspiration for staying the course.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

Totally by chance. I was retrenched 15 years ago and it was tough finding a job during the financial crisis. A short advertisement on ST linked me to my very first client and I never looked back since.

Can you describe your job / your role in your business?

I am the founder, the business owner and the one with the strategic direction. I provide high level guidance to the various resources in our company, guiding them in terms of execution and implementation of projects as well as outsourced back-end roles. When I meet clients, I am the face of the business and I provide business consultancy and recommendation using my past working experience.

What gives you motivation every day?

I am naturally self motivated as a person. Knowing that everything I do on a daily basis contributes to me being a useful person is my source of motivation to carry on every day.

What are your plans for your business?

I hope to bring cost effective and useful business solutions to help SMEs grow and to create a new way of work using our very own Xintesys Business Solution as the framework for undergraduates and mothers so that they can work meaningfully while studying or taking care of their young children.

What brings you to Trehaus?

I work with a few mothers with young children and I empathise with them that they need a space to be able to work and take care of their young children at the same time. So when I learned about Trehaus, I knew it was perfect for my business as I can now have meetings with these mothers without them worrying about their young children.

What’s the most enjoyable thing about being an entrepreneur?

I set my own goals, path and pace, and I work towards achieving them and fine-tuning them along the way. I enjoy meeting a lot more people as compared to when I was working inside a concrete building of a physical office.

Would you encourage people to pursue entrepreneurship?

Yes and no. Personally, I find that it takes a certain personality to be an entrepreneur. If one has that personality and is willing to try, why not? After all, we only live once.

Continue this sentence: ‘Work life balance is…’

…Being able to handle requirements from work and home as and when the needs arise instead of watching the clock all the time.

Any advice for someone who wants to venture into the unknown of entrepreneurship?

Don’t look back, just leap forward and take it as it happens! Hard work always pays off!

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